そこで,サーバルームのうちのサーバ1台にUSB温度計を差して,定期的に温度を取得し,GrowthForecastに投げればいいと考えた. アラートメールのほうは温度を取得したのちに閾値を超えていたらsendmailでメール投げる感じ。
Amazon.co.jp: サンコー USB温度計 AKIBA58: 家電・カメラ
- Ubuntu 12.04
- perl (GrowthForacastがPerlで書かれているので必要)
- GrowthForecast (グラフ表示用のWebアプリケーション)
- Temper (上記温度をGrowthForecastに登録してくれるスクリプト.アラートメール機能もある)
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libusb-0.1-4 libusb-dev build-dep sendmail git $ curl -L http://cpanmin.us/ | sudo perl - App::cpanminus $ sudo cpanm -n GrowthForecast HTTP::Tiny Email::Simple Email::Sender
以前の 研究室のサーバに流行りのGrowthForecastを導入してみた - ゆううきブログ を参照. perlbrew使ってたけど,perl-buildにした.
- temperコマンド: 温度情報を摂氏で取得して標準出力
- temper_gfcast.pl: temperコマンドを実行して,GrowthForecastのAPIを叩いて温度を登録し,閾値を超えていたらアラートメールを投げる
- temper_gfcast.conf: 閾値などの設定を行う
- install.sh
$ git clone https://github.com/y-uuki/temper $ cd temper $ sudo ./install.sh
まず, /etc/temper_gfcast/temper_gfcast.confを書き換える.
# Examle # # sender: root@example.com # receiver: server-group@example.com # # graph_url: http://example.com/list/server-room/watch # # warning_threshold: 35 # critical_threshold: 45 # sender: server-room@laboraoty receiver: y_uuki@laboratory graph_url: http://growthforecast.laboratory/list/server-room/temper warning_threshold: 35 critical_threshold: 45
senderはメールの送信者,receiverはメールの受信者,graph_urlはGrowthForecast APIのendpointで, warnings_thresholdとcriticalthresholdにはメールアラートのための閾値を設定する.上記の場合,温度が35度以上ならばwarningメールを,45度以上ならばcriticalメールを送信する.
$ sudo crontab -e
cronに下記の一行を登録する. 5分ごとに温度監視することにした.
*/5 * * * * /opt/perl-5.14/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/temper_gfcast.pl >> /var/log/temper.log 2>&1
GrowthForecastのAPIはHTTP::Tinyで叩いて,アラートメールは Email::Simpleでメール内容を作成して,Email::Senderを介してsendmailで投げる感じ.
#!/usr/bin/env perl use utf8; use strict; use warnings; use Try::Tiny; use HTTP::Tiny; use Email::Sender::Simple 'sendmail'; use Email::Simple; use constant { TEMPER_PATH => '/usr/local/bin/temper', CONF_PATH => '/etc/temper_gfcast/temper_gfcast.conf', DEFAULT_WARN_THRESHOLD => 35, DEFAULT_CRITICAL_THRESHOLD => 45, }; main(); exit; sub main { my $temp_value = current_temperature(); # putput log my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year) = localtime(time); print sprintf("temperature:%d\ttime:%04d%02d%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d\n", $temp_value, $year + 1900, $month + 1, $day, $hour, $min, $sec); send_to_gfcast($temp_value); my $params = parse_conf(CONF_PATH); my $mail_from = $params->{sender} or die "Not found sender in conf file"; my $mail_to = $params->{receiver} or die "Not found receiver in conf file"; my $graph_url = $params->{graph_url} or die "Not found graph_url in conf file"; my $warn_threshold = $params->{warning_threshold} || DEFAULT_WARN_THRESHOLD; my $critical_threshold = $params->{critical_threshold} || DEFAULT_CRITICAL_THRESHOLD; for ($warn_threshold, $critical_threshold) { die "threshold is invalid. $_ is not integer" if $_ !~ /\d+/; } return if $temp_value < $warn_threshold; # Warning or Critical process my $status = $critical_threshold <= $temp_value ? 'critical' : 'warning'; my $email = create_alertmail($mail_from, $mail_to, $graph_url, $status, $temp_value); try { sendmail($email); } catch { die "Failed sending mail $_"; }; } sub current_temperature { my $output = readpipe(TEMPER_PATH); chomp $output; unless ($output =~ /,([\d|.]+)/) { die "Not Found temperature"; } return int($1); } sub parse_conf { my $conf_path = shift; unless (-f $conf_path) { die "file:$conf_path is not found"; } open(my $conf_fh, "<", $conf_path) or die "failed to open file:$conf_path"; my $params = {}; while (my $line = <$conf_fh>) { chomp $line; next if $line =~ /^\s*$/; # empty line next if $line =~ /^\s*#/; # for commentout my ($name, $value) = split(/:\s/, $line); $value =~ s/(.+?)#?/$1/; $params->{$name} = $value; } return $params; } sub send_to_gfcast { my $temp_value = shift; my $http = HTTP::Tiny->new; my $response = $http->post_form('http://localhost/api/server-room/watch/temperature', { number => int($temp_value), mode => 'gauge', color => '#333399' }); if ($response->{status} =~ /^(4\d\d|5\d\d)/) { die "$response->{status}: $response->{reason}\n" . $response->{content}; } } sub create_alertmail { my ($from, $to, $graph_url, $status, $temp_value) = @_; my $body = <<"EOS"; Server Room Temperature Status: $status Temperature: '$temp_value' degrees Graph: $graph_url EOS my $email = Email::Simple->create( header => [ From => "\"Temperature Alert\" <$from>", To => "<$to>", Subject => "Server room tempature $status", ], body => $body, attributes => { content_type => 'text/html', }, ); return $email; }